Tuesday, 14 February 2012

7 Secret To a Peaceful & Succesfull life

Be open to everything, and attached to nothing
The best way to experience a fulfilling life is to have very few barriers. Leave nothing off your table, and embrace every potential idea, experience, person, and thought. Sticking to one concept or one line of thinking too harshly creates nothing but negative energy in the end. Instead of defending your stance, allow yourself the opportunity to see what it might be like on the other side of the coin. Be open to hear other perspectives than your own…you never know what can end up inspiring you. Don’t box yourself in, jump out of the box completely!
Don’t let your talents go to waste
Whatever it is that you are good at, make sure that you let it shine. There is nothing more crippling or saddening to your soul than to watch your talents sit on the sidelines of your life. To feel successful, your talents need to be utilized in some capacity. It is crucial to making you feel whole and purpose-driven. What you are good at is irrelevant, it could be anything really, as long as it makes you smile and brings joy to others. Don’t allow yourself to live with any regret. Go out there and give a voice to your talents. Start however small you may have to, it’s not about the magnitude, it’s about putting the wheels in motion to leading a more fulfilled existence.
Silence is golden
We live in such a fast paced world. Seems like there is never a moment to just “be”. 24/7/365 everything nowadays. It’s no surprise that our thoughts are non stop either. Some of us can barely sleep because our thoughts are so consuming. So much to think about, so much information to process. This is why, to lead a truly peaceful life, you must welcome and appreciate moments of silence. Give yourself the gift of meditation. If you want some convincing as to why you should be meditating, take a look at these benefits of meditation. On top of meditation, wherever you may find yourself, waiting at the bus stop, stuck in traffic in your car, or waiting in line at the bank perhaps…tune everything out for a moment, and just “be”.
Let go of your history
We tend to give too much weight to what our personal history means to our lives. Why should the past dictate what the future is going to be? Just because you failed a few things in the past, does not make you a failure, and guarantee that you will fail at other things in the future. Just because something negative happened in your past, does not mean your future can’t be rosy and beautiful. Just allow yourself to let go of your history…it is what it is. Take lessons from it but end the never ending dwelling. Your identity, your soul, was shining long before any of that history ever happened. Don’t let it block you from succeeding any longer. You owe yourself a fresh start.
Act as if you are already “there”
Have you ever seen an Olympic athlete or a high level professional sports athlete train? They will go through the motions as if they are winning, all the way up to stepping on a fake podium and pretend to receive a medal or trophy. The reason they do this is that to actually make something, anything, happen, you first must visualize extremely clearly. It must be so clear, that it is undeniable. Learn from this, and whatever it is that you want to accomplish, act as if you have already accomplished it. What would you act like and do if you finished what you have always wanted to do? Think about how that would be and become this exactly.
Evaporate resentments
There is absolutely no valuable reason to hold any resentment. This is YOUR life…why would you allow anything to make you feel as such? Remember, you can decide what affects you and gets to you. There is no room for such debilitating feelings within your existence. Learn to let go of such animosity or ill will. Allowing it into your life gives it strength and justifies it. Letting it go destroys it completely, without it ever seeing the light of day to begin with. Choose to feel positive, productive feelings and thoughts instead, and watch how more successful your life becomes.
Avoid all thoughts that weaken you
While resentment is usually a feeling towards an outward source, it is also important to rid yourself of any inner feeling that hinders who you are as a person. Never allow yourself to feel that you are too weak, not smart enough, not pretty enough, or not capable enough to become who you want to become. You need to play up your strengths and those should be the focus on your attention. It is important to recognize the difference between understanding a weakness and working towards improving it, and believing a weakness is insurmountable. There’s a big difference there; one is positive and one is negative. Don’t give credit to any thought that makes you feel less than who you truly are and who you ultimately want to become.

Tuesday, 7 February 2012



If you want to excel in life, self motivation is essential. You must know how to motivate yourself. You must be able to keep your spirit high no matter how discouraging a situation is. That’s the only way to get the power you need to overcome difficulties. Those who are discouraged in difficult times are certain to lose even before the battle is over.
The question is: how do you motivate yourself? Here are several tips I’ve found to be effective to build self motivation:
1. Have a cause
I can’t think of a more powerful source of motivation than a cause you care about. Such cause can inspire you to give your best even in the face of difficulties. It can make you do the seemingly impossible things.
While other causes could inspire you temporarily, a cause that matters to you can inspire you indefinitely. It’s a spring of motivation that will never dry. Whenever you think that you run out of motivation,  you can always come to your cause to get a fresh dose of motivation.
2. Have a dream. A big dream.
Only as high as I reach can I grow, only as far as I seek can I go, only as deep as I look can I see, only as much as I dream can I be.
Karen Ravn
Your cause is a powerful source of motivation but it’s still abstract in nature. You need to make it concrete in the form of a dream. Imagine how the world will be in the future. Imagine how people will live and work.
Having a dream is important because it’s difficult to be motivated if you don’t have anything to shoot for. Just think about people who play basketball. Will they be motivated to play if there is no basket to aim at? I don’t think so. They need a goal. You need a goal. That’s what your dream is for.
But just having a dream is insufficient. Your dream must be big enough to inspire you. It must be realistic but challenging. It must stretch your ability beyond your comfort zone.
3. Be hungry
Wanting something is not enough. You must hunger for it. Your motivation must be absolutely compelling in order to overcome the obstacles that will invariably come your way.
Les Brown
To be truly motivated, you need to have hunger and not just desire. Having mere desire won’t take you through difficult times since you don’t want things badly enough. In many cases, hunger makes the difference between the best performers and the mediocre ones.
How can you have hunger? Your cause and your dream play a big role here. If you have a cause you care about and a big dream related to it, you should have the hunger inside of you. If you think that you are losing hunger, all you need to do is to connect again to your cause and dream. Let them inspire you and bring the hunger back.
4. Run your own race
I do not try to dance better than anyone else. I only try to dance better than myself.
Mikhail Baryshnikov
Comparing yourself with others is an effective way to demotivate yourself. Even if you start with enthusiasm, you will soon lose your energy when you compare yourself with others.
Don’t let that happen to you. You have your own race so how other people perform is irrelevant. Comparing yourself with others is like comparing the performance of a swimmer with a runner using the same time standard. They are different so how can you compare one with the other?
The only competitor you have is yourself. The only one you need to beat is you. Have you become the best you can be?
5. Take one more step
Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.
Winston Churchill
When you meet obstacles along the way, there could be the tendency to quit. You may think that it’s too difficult to move on. You may think that your dream is impossible to achieve. But this is where you can see the difference between winners and losers. Though both of them face the same difficulties, there is one thing that makes the winners different: the courage to continue.
In difficult situations, just focus on taking one more step forward. Don’t think about how to complete the race. Don’t think about how many more obstacles are waiting for you. Just focus on taking the next step.
6. Let go of the past
Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Believe it or not, one of the best demotivators is your past. Your past can drag you down before you realize it. Your past can give you a heavy burden on your shoulders.
The good news is it’s a burden you don’t have to carry. Take it off your shoulder and leave it. You might make mistakes in the past. You might disappoint others with what you did. But it’s over. It’s already in the past and there’s nothing you can do about it.
Today is a new day and you have the chance to start again. No matter how bad your past might be, you still have a bright future ahead waiting for you. Just don’t let the burden of the past stop you.
Apply these tips and motivate yourself. Don’t settle for mediocrity. Let your self motivation take you to excellence.


Motivation is to provide a person with a motive to action with positive energy and determination. It's a state of mind that moves one individual into action. The best way to recharge the battery of your motivation is to create desires. An inner drive inherent in all, Motivation plays an important role in intellectual, emotional, and professional success and development.

The time for motivation will only ever be RIGHT NOW.

When we learn to take responsibility for every aspect of our lives, motivated success can only but follow, it is inevitable, like the force of the tides and as sure as the sun. Self motivation need merely have its humble beginnings right here, for when we truly accept that we create our realities, then we are firmly in control.

And the best part about being motivated, in control and taking responsibility for our ‘doings’ and more importantly, our ‘thinkings’, is then being able to renounce control and swim with the fishes and dream with the wind. It is often in our letting go that we truly wake up.

Putting off achieving your goals merely creates a void in your life, a sense of waiting for something to happen. This waiting can actually become the most tangible part of the dream and in this state we often never get motivated or courageous enough to dive in head-first. Start small, big things will follow:

To be self-motivated - BE FIRST!

Be the first to smile.
Be the first to forgive.
Be the first to congratulate.
Be the first to take action.
…be the last to complain, the last to frown and the last to give up.
To be self-motivated - BE CONFIDENT!

Take your confidence from the beauty of nature.
Take your confidence from compassion; become skilled at listening and learn much before you teach.
To be self-Motivated – LIVE LIFE 100%

Make mistakes and make them boldly; you get no do-overs in each life here. Mistakes can be our greatest teachers.
Get out of your comfort-zone often. This gets empty and un-challenging. Make new discoveries, new friends, new ideas often and without fear.
Remember that doubt and fear are only thoughts, and we have control over them at every second of every day.
Pain, disappointment, hurt, love-lost are divine catapults into a greater awareness of who we are where we are going. From great suffering comes great accomplishment.
Today doesn’t have to be the same as yesterday, you can make it better. Remember, the time to self-motivate will only ever be RIGHT NOW.

The keys to achieving this are ACTION and POSITIVITY.

If you think you can and truly believe it so and then take the first fledgling step of action, you have completed half your goal already.

Even more powerful is to think it already done. Close your eyes, see it, feel how great it feels to have achieved your goal and then set the importance of the outcome free.

Open your eyes, stretch your arms to the sun, take a deep energizing breath and take that first step…

You have just motivated yourself towards the creation of your dream…